Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Loud. Loving. Crazy. Supportive. Time management challenged. God-loving. Open. Light-hearted. Good at cooking (and drinking). Fun. Competitive. Sport-obsessed. Happy. 

The words above help to describe the group of people that I care for most, my family. If I have learned anything about myself in the last year, it's that these people are the ones that hold the deepest place in my heart. The ones that I will drop everything for, in an instant, to be at their side. The people who's jokes and sarcasm I will willingly be the brunt of.. (cough...Molly...cough...). The ones that drive me nuts sometimes, but I miss them dearly. The people I want to share my hopes and dreams, my highs and lows. The people I love unconditionally.

One of the greatest blessings in my life is my family. Immediate and extended. I have some incredible people in my life. My family includes those who are blood-related, and those who I am blessed to have as a part of my life through divine intervention. 

We check in on each other just because. Get frustrated because no one can decide what they want to do for dinner, so we don't eat until 9pm. We are late for church more than on time. You can guarantee that if my Dad is cooking a meal, there will be enough left over to feed at least 3 extra people (hey, I like leftovers so it's ok). Our family gatherings, of any sort, are loud. LOUD. But hey, that's us. That is who we are. And that is what makes our family unique. I love them, and they love me. Through the flaws, the moodiness, the failed attempts at communicating, we accept and love one another. Everyday. And that is my family. Not perfect. But there. Solid. Dependable. Always. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your family - LOUD & late & everything in between!
